David Benatia
David Benatia
Climate change
Climate: goodbye Russian gas, hello coal
In the short term, reducing our dependence on Russian gas would inevitably mean a return to coal. This would put policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on hold, as coal emits about four times more CO2.
Complete article accessible at Polytechnique Insights
David Benatia
Last updated on Mar 18, 2022
Gas: a sustainable upward trend
Price variations are determined by three important players. Firstly, there is the increase in demand due to the recovery of production after the Covid crisis. Secondly, there is a limited supply due to a lack of stocks and geopolitical tensions. And finally, there is the weight of environmental policies.
Complete article accessible at Polytechnique Insights
David Benatia
Last updated on Mar 18, 2022
The crisis and beyond: the climate emergency
The economic consequences of the first lockdown in France were very severe and in particular were reflected in the electricity markets, where there was a sharp drop in demand. The researcher David Benatia has investigated the impact of this episode on the sector’s actors, while linking it to the future energy transition, which will take shape with a greater proportion of renewables in the energy mix.
Complete article accessible at Louis Bachelier
David Benatia
Last updated on Mar 18, 2022